We just rode our first Bike Bus of the school year! I wanted to make a list of all of the Bike Buses that I knew about so that interested parents/students can find one to join, and so that riders can work together, learn from each other, and start new ones. You probably already know that I think this is the best way to get to school, even when it rains.
Special thanks to the #BikeNite #BikeBus and #BikeTooter people on Mastodon for helping create this list.
Bike Buses in the United States
Berkeley, CA
Oakland, CA
- North Oakland Bike Bus - that's ours!
San Francisco, CA
- San Francisco Bike Bus - A series of 5 bike buses that span different neighborhoods in SF. The biggest one travels through the JFK promenade.
San Mateo, CA
Pasadena, CA
- Arroyo Vista Elementary School
- Marengo Elementary School
- Denver - Brown International Academy Bike Bus
Chicago, IL
- Chicago Bike Grid Now Bike Bus
- Hamilton Elementary Bike Bus
- Waters Elementary Bike Bus
Edwardsville, IL
- Cambridge - Peabody Bike bus
- Somerville - Brown School Bike Bus
- Waltham - Waltham Bike Bus
New York
New Jersey
Portland, OR
- Abernethy Bike Bus (Portland)
- Alameda Bike Bus (Portland) - Sam Balto leads this weekly bike ride to school with hundreds of students, parents, and teachers.
- Creston Elementary Bike Bus (Portland)
- Glencoe Bike Bus (Portland)
- James John Bike Bus (Portland)
- Sunnyside Bike Bus (Portland)
- Sitton Bike Bus (Portland)
More detail about Portland Bike Buses in this BikePortland post.
Other cities
- Metzger Bike Bus (Tigard) - Students ride bikes to school together on Wednesdays from Metzger Park, with adult help and a safe route. Led by Shawne Martinez.
- May Street Elementary Bike Bus (Hood River) - Wednesdays and Fridays, originally started by Megan Ramey
Richland, WA
- Jefferson Elementary
- Westside Preschool
Seattle, WA
Send me your bike bus info to get added to the list!
You can email me at hello@ascentale.com - thanks!
[…] I have made a new list of all of the Bike Buses that we can […]