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Covered cargo bike (olive cover) next to a yellow dumpster

How do you store a cargo bike in New York in the winter? And other things we learned from looking at bikes in New York

We spent a couple of days in New York this winter, more specifically Brooklyn, mostly in Park Slope. I checked out every bike that we walked by (as one does) and thought about how different riding a cycle is in New York compared to in California. Winters in the Bay Area are much milder, as it rarely gets below freezing during the winter months.  We get winter rain, but rarely any snow or ice. In contrast, it’s much colder in New York, there’s more snow, slush, road salt, and other stuff that’s tougher to ride a bike in, and tougher to store a bike in. Some had a lot of rust As you can see on this “Goffa bike”, the rims, brakes, kickstand, stem, spokes, chain, nuts are all rusted. This bike has been left out for a long […]

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