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tri-fold science fair project board on a bicycle

How to carry your tri-fold science fair board home on your bike Science Fair display Tips: by bike! Tri-fold boards for science fair projects are bulky, but light and don’t take up that much volume. But they’re awkward to carry around and sort of fragile since they’re made of thin cardboard. Some people had to drive their kids to school because these tri-fold boards were too bulky. We didn’t drive and instead I carried it with a makeshift cargo net. The cargo net is just webbing sewn together with a couple of carabiners holding it to my rack. Other carbiners allow it to open and close to secure cargo, in this case the tri-fold board.  I usually roll up the cargo net when I’m not carrying anything. Everything made it to the destination just fine after carrying it this way.   Or follow along for updates:

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Covered cargo bike (olive cover) next to a yellow dumpster

How do you store a cargo bike in New York in the winter? And other things we learned from looking at bikes in New York

We spent a couple of days in New York this winter, more specifically Brooklyn, mostly in Park Slope. I checked out every bike that we walked by (as one does) and thought about how different riding a cycle is in New York compared to in California. Winters in the Bay Area are much milder, as it rarely gets below freezing during the winter months.  We get winter rain, but rarely any snow or ice. In contrast, it’s much colder in New York, there’s more snow, slush, road salt, and other stuff that’s tougher to ride a bike in, and tougher to store a bike in. Some had a lot of rust As you can see on this “Goffa bike”, the rims, brakes, kickstand, stem, spokes, chain, nuts are all rusted. This bike has been left out for a long […]

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Cargo Bike in front of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center

Riding our Xtracycle Family Cargo Bike in Oregon City

  We spent a couple of days in Oregon City with the Xtracycle Swoop cargo e-bike (an electric longtail family bike) and had a nice time using it as our primary mode of transportation. Riding the cargo bike to the Oregon City Farmers Market I took the cargo bike and the two kids up Linn Ave to get to the top of the Hill in Oregon City, where the Oregon City Farmers Market is located.  It’s at the corner of Beavercreek and Kaen  Rds, at the Clackamas County Red Soils campus.  The ride up was okay. Car traffic was moving kind of fast, which is a little unsettling in the bike lane with kids on the back, but it felt okay.  We had to stop briefly because my kid was having a moment.  The bike was fine. It felt stable […]

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A bike with the Argo Cargo Bike Kit installed in Oakland

Nice Bikes: An Argo Cargo Bike kit in Oakland that converts your bike into a practical front loader

An Argo Cargo Bike at the park Bike adventures are big fun.  Bike adventures with kids are even better.  I’d seen the original Argo Cargo bike Kickstarter for their “Lift” product and thought it was a neat idea to be able to turn any “regular” bike into a front-loading cargo bike.  They had a successful campaign and raised $105,429 for their front-loading cargo bike conversion kit.  Many front-loading cargo bikes cost $3000+, so a kit that adds on to an existing bike for $1149 is compelling. The Argo Cargo bike attaches mainly at the front fork and the bottom bracket, and requires a minor modification to the brake cables to connect your brake lever to the brake on the front wheel. I saw a parent ride in on their Argo Cargo Bike with their kids in the front, and asked […]

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Stuffed animal poking its head out of a bike pannier

Pannier ridealong on a Surly Big Easy electric cargo bike

    When friends ride along on an electric cargo bike We rode our bikes to Strawberry Creek Park in Berkeley for a birthday party. I saw this cute setup on a Surly Big Easy cargo e-bike.  It’s a long-tail cargo bike with full-sized wheels.  It is great for carrying groceries, kids or other bikes, and it has an electronic assist.  The bike is set up with a Thule/Yepp child seat in the back.  The panniers are also a perfect place to take a stuffed animal buddy along for a ride.   I took one for a test ride once. It felt stable even with an adult on the back rack. Or follow along for updates:

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Yuba Flip Flop Kids Cargo Bike

How do I teach my kid to ride a bike? What others say and our own experiences

Our child took to riding a bike pretty well and we ride around a lot to get from place to place, so we’re frequently asked about how to get kids started on a bike, and how to make a child feel comfortable riding a bike. Back in the day: Training wheels I have memories of when I was a child, watching my dad adjust the training wheels of my old yellow bike.  I remember him adjusting the training wheels as I started to get more comfortable on the bike, and how sometimes I’d be riding only on one training wheel or none at all, depending on the terrain and how much I was leaning over.  I remember the slightly loud sound of the wheels as they rolled on the ground.  All of us neighborhood kids got scared when the biggest […]

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